Friday, September 13, 2013

New York Institute of Art & Design

Hello everyone!

I am back after a bit of an hiatus--which I apologize for!  Work and school and boyfriends and new books tend to suck extra time for blogging out of a girl!

I have decided that since I'm currently in school and am planning to be finished some time early next year that I'd share with you all what school is like for an aspiring interior decorator. I know, I know, don't get too excited there.  =]  I don't have any fantastic photos for you of my work . . . yet!  I did have a big hand in the redesign of our kitchen though, which will be a whole post of it's own eventually.

I started out looking online for what kind of degrees and certifications are needed to become a professional interior decorator, which led me to a school called the Sheffield Institute for Interior Design, (now called the New York Institute of Art & Design).  It is based in New York and has a great distance learning program for people who cannot afford to move to New York City, (let's get real, NYC is EXPENSIVE!).  I decided to pay in full right away and go through the program to, if nothing else, gain better knowledge of colour and furniture placement.  Thankfully, I've already learned so much more than those two things, including correct measurement techniques, drafting, business techniques, period furniture identification, and client management.  And I'm only halfway through the course!

The way that it works is you are sent six units in total directly to your home with everything you'll need for your lessons.  This means, drafting supplies, lessons, audio cd's, dvd's, watercolours, literally everything you'll need.  You go through the lessons and complete all the material, package it up, send it to the school, and wait until you are sent back your work with a grade and an audio feedback file that arrives via e-mail.  For anyone who is working full-time and cannot afford to take the time to enroll in a four year university, or anyone who cannot afford the cost a four year university, it is a great option!  You school advisor is always there to call or e-mail with questions regarding lessons or anything else that may need clarification.  The best part is that the lessons are done on your time and you have up to three years to complete the program, (although the usual time frame is about one year).

As a part-time 21 year old student paying off prior student loans from a four year college, an affordable and flexible program was exactly what I needed!  I am SO happy I decided to take a leap and just start up school again in a totally new subject; I was originally a marine bio major! =P  It has given me a new sense of purpose and a lot of new information about the design world.  I couldn't be happier!  

If any of you have questions about the school or what lessons are like, etc, just leave them in the comments section and I'll get back to you!  If any of you happen to be interior decorators yourself, give me a shout out!  =D  I'd love to see work you've done or check out your design blog if you have one!  Thanks so much for sticking with me through my mini break!  I'll be back soon with some new and exciting adventure/new artwork posts!  <3 <3 <3

Here's a link to the schools blog:

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